2012年7月3日 星期二

[分享] Dragon Boat Race



Dragon Boat Race from Christian Borstlap on Nowness.com.

The "dragon boat festival" is already passed; it seems to be a bit outdated to share this little video.
However, when I finished watching this, I smiled.

It seems to be the "not-exactly-perfect" yet "brilliant-enough" teaser to a little business idea that I have in my head, of which has kept me busy (and super excited) lately and from updating my blog more often.

2 則留言:

  1. Exactly the right atmosphere. Love the graphical approach, not too serious but yet so well done. BTW do you know the other animated movies Christian has made for e.g. Louis Vuitton or Mr Porter? Such a nice style!

    1. Ah....Here you are....(I am so happy to see your comment popping up and I logged on to skype try to 'catch you'...but you are not there.
      how are you?
      no mail and no blog...and I start to worry...
      is the summer still grey in the dam?
