2012年7月19日 星期四

[生活]Miss Dani的Naomi


Naomi在小黃班(yellow room),有兩個老師,一個是Miss Dani,一個是Miss Monica,她們倆都很愛她。

周二幼稚園辦了"park night"。大家下課後到附近的公園一起玩。有一半的孩子都來了吧,我藉此機會跟幾個同班的家長打招呼也親眼見識到Naomi在班上果然是名不虛傳的受歡迎。

好幾個孩子都追著老師問,"where is meimei?"

那天在公園裡,Miss Dani給我看了一張某天午睡忍不住拍下的Naomi的照片。

昨天,Miss Dani寄來另兩張照片。說。

“Naomi makes me laugh so hard on a daily basis and these pictures are hilarious, love love her!! Enjoy!!” 


我, 和Miss Dani一樣, "love love her".

These photos were taken by Naomi's preschool teacher, Miss Dani. It's a bit out-of-focus, I think only the part of the floor in the background is sharp. 

Naomi is in the "yellow room" in her pre-school. She has two teachers - Miss Dani and Miss Monica. They both love her a lot. 

Tuesday night, the preschool held a "park night", more than half of the kids(with their parents of course) continued to play together in a nice park nearby.  I had the chance to meet some other parents of the same class and also to experience for myself how Naomi is said  to be popular in her class.  

Several kids were asking the teachers," where is Meimei? (meimei is Naomi's nickname!) and once they found Naomi, they just followed her around. 

Miss Dani showed me a photo she took the other day while we were in the park. Yesterday, she sent me these two and said, “Naomi makes me laugh so hard on a daily basis and these pictures are hilarious, love love her!! Enjoy!!” 

This is my Naomi.
Who would wear the glasses  (which makes her look so funny) and the grand-ma hat of a small doll to run around; 
Who is able to 'wiggle' her way out of her little bed and had her little but held so high during her nap time. 

I, like her teacher, Miss Dani, "love love her" too. 

3 則留言:

  1. Hello hello! Just a quick line: Such sweet photos! And how tall she became, Naomi!! It's going so fast these past months, don't you think? Kira too, all a sudden she is a girl. More by email. xj

  2. Claire阿姨+Zac叔叔+Amber妹妹也很喜歡Naomi~~
    很久沒有時間可以看你的部落格, 今天上班時突然想到~
    親愛的小金, 很想念你,雖然你很遙遠, 但每次看到你的文章就覺得跟妳很貼近!
    我現在都在台中, 上班在新竹,不會去台北了...不知道, 下次何年何月才能見到你..
