2012年4月29日 星期日



週六,看完房子的下午,法蘭克帶我們去LA某shopping village玩耍,專程去了Paul Smith的LA旗艦店,然後順路經過了Korean Town。


I wish our life is a bit more settled and easy by now; but I hate to admit that my life is still quite tense and full of stress at the moment. 

Still searching for the perfect long-term house; still looking for the short-term solution; still trying to practice and get over the fear in my mind when driving; still on the bike consistently, riding a long way to pick up Naomi. 

Saturday afternoon, we went to LA and had some fun after a house-viewing appointment. 

I am not that type of girl who is into pink a lot; but I love this photo which was shot at the iconic Paul Smith LA flagship store. 

3 則留言:

  1. 這張照片真的很棒~~除了構圖和顏色外,還有好有型的小妞耶!!

  2. 有型的小妞謝謝阿妮阿姨的讚美。。。可是小妞的pose比較像隻小猴子呢~

  3. Phantastic photo! It is not only pink, it also gives a beautiful summ-up of your location right now: It speaks L.A.! Al the best and good luck with everything! You will manage for sure.
