* Naomi在她的Pre-school裡,是班上最小的。她的兩個老師都知道她其實是個小猴子來的,然後一點也不像年紀最小的。
* Naomi會用中文,德文和法文三個版本唱兩隻老虎哦。(德文和法文版,其實跟老虎一點也沒有關係!)
* 她的老師有天特地跟我說,Naomi有個和班上同學都不一樣的小地方。那就是她很有“同情心”,很會關心別人(nurturing)。老師跟我說,每次班上同學誰跌倒了或誰在哭,Naomi就會主動到她們旁邊,給她們“呼呼”和“秀秀”,摸摸她們的頭或肩膀這樣,然後跟她們說“no cry, no cry”。

* 最近瘋狂喜歡玩拼圖!
* 中文和德文都很能說了,而且自己知道跟爸爸說就要自動翻譯。學校裡學得英文進步飛快。有天回來忽然開口跟我和法蘭克說 I love you。我們倆對看了一眼,眼眶都紅了。她之前天天說得都是,“愛妳 爸爸!” “愛妳 媽媽!”
*剛開始上課沒多久,她就開始自己唱完字母歌了。我們要和她一起唱,她還會要我們不要唱。一副不想要也不需要我們幫她的樣子。她當然也可以唱“Twinkle twinkle”。最近最愛的是,“itsy bitsy spider”。
Today, Naomi turned 2 and a half years old!
And it's about 2 and a half months since we moved from Amsterdam to Los Angeles.
We've been 'drifting' for about a year and the past few months were all about searching, moving and settling down. It's a pity that lately I haven't had many chances to pick up my camera and take some photos of Naomi like I used to. I feel sorry to Naomi.
I wish to write down some little sweet pieces of her before I forget.
This way, hopefully, I have something to remind me of my sweet little two-and-a-half-year-old Naomi later.
* Naomi is the youngest in her class in the preschool she goes. Though she doesn't seem like the youngest at all. By now, her teachers were not only not surprised by her being youngest but also know that she is actually not a little girl, but a 'monkey', like what I've been saying.
* She can sing one particular children song in Chinese, German and French. It's called "two tigers" in Chinese, "Bruder Jakob" in German and "Frère Jacques" in French.
* Naomi's teacher told me that there is one thing that she is different from the others, which is she is"quite nurturing." Miss Dani said Naomi always goes to the kids that just fell or are crying to show her sympathy and she always pat them on the head or shoulder and say " No cry no cry".
I was very touched when I heard that from her teacher and I have to say, that is a quality that me as a
mother wish she will keep having.
* Naomi can ride the kids bike very well now. She rides our friends' son Leo's bike very well. Leo is 3
and the bike is a bit too big for her but she rides well. It's time to buy Naomi her first bike.
* She is really into puzzles these days.
* Naomi now speaks both Chinese, German and of course, some English.;She knows to switch languages between me and Frank. The day she came home and suddenly said to me and Frank, " I love you"; we couldn't believe it. She has been saying I love you always in Chinese.
* Not long after going to the preschool, she came home singing the "ABC song" and sometimes, she even insisted to sing alone and if we sing along with her, she asked us to stop, as if she doesn't want us to help and also she doesn't need us to help. She could also sing "twinkle twinkle" and her recent favorite is "itsy bitsy spider".
* Naomi is still as energetic, active and funny! She loves the sand on the beach and swimming as usual.
Yesterday, we set up the second-hand swing and slide set we bought for her.
It is a little gift for her, to celebrate our baby Naomi turned two-and-half now and also as a reward for her being drifting along with us in the past year.
回覆刪除so glad to hear these lovely story about Naomi! Take care, my dear friend!
回覆刪除Thanks Shinade....How have you been?
回覆刪除I'll push myself to write more and share these sweet moments!
: )
Beautiful observations. So good you write it down. Kira loves to sing the dutch happy birhtday song and pretends it's her birthday everyday, hoping to get a little gift. She goes Hoera hoera!!
回覆刪除A swing? best gift I think. We have an old baby swing, almost too small now. Kira can sit in it for hours. Push mama, pu-hush!!
看完這篇,好感動,也好為你們一家開心 ;)
回覆刪除Go!!! The Hanns!!!
it's me Monica from barcelona !
刪除: )
刪除Thank you Monica!!
The Hahns會加油的。。:)